Selenium Webdriver with Cucumber

Selenium is now used in almost every IT company where there are web applications developed. Since it is open source there is a huge requirement of selenium professional in the software companies. So if you are currently in a manual testing and willing to switch to automation (freshers can also do this course) we can help you out. Selenium can be implemented in java, cshap, python , ruby etc. but preferably it is implemented in java. So in order to start selenium Java is prerequisite. So in this training we will cover both Java basics and selenium.

Course content

Core Java

  • Setting up Java | Introduction

  • First Java Program

  • Control Structure in Java

  • Loops in Java

  • Strings in Java

  • Date

  • Writing A class

  • Abstraction & Encapsulation

  • constructor

  • Methods having parameters

  • Methods returning value

  • Access Modifiers

  • Inheritance

  • Types of Inheritance

  • this and super keyword

  • Polymorphism : overloading, overriding

  • keyword Static

  • Abstract class & interfaes

  • JDBC

  • Exception Handling

  • Collection

Selenium WebDriver

Selenium Basics

  • Introduction

  • Why the name Selenium

  • Selenium Vs UFT

  • Why we can’t test captcha in selenium

  • Setting up Selenium Project

  • Selenium Basic Methods

  • Locators in Selenium

  • Operations on HTML elements

  • Waits in Selenium

All about XPATH

  • XPath Simplified

  • XPath in latest firefox

  • XPathh in Chrome

  • XPath in Chropath


  • Junit

  • TestNG

  • Asserts in Junit & TestNG

  • Cross browser testing

Other Importants

  • HTML Reports

  • Reports by ReportNG

  • Taking Screenshot

  • Extent Reports

  • Video recording of you test

  • Selecting Date in calendar

  • Data Providers

Reports, Screenshots & video Recording

Tips & Tricks in Selenium

  • Opening new tab in a browser

  • How to scroll in Selenium

  • How to upload File

  • pop ups & alerts

Project & framework

  • Keyword driven (Excel based)

  • Data driven

  • Page Object Model

  • Jenkins


  • Gherkin syntax

  • Setting up cucumber

  • Feature file

  • Step definitions

  • TestRunner

  • Parameterization :

– Reuse function with – different data

– Data Tables

– Parameterization using example Keyword

  • Tagging feature

  • Background keyword

  • Hooks

  • Background & hooks together

  • Generating reports

  • Jenkins integration